Friday, July 10, 2009

Quest for Sustainability

For the past decade, I have been on a quest to discover viable sustainable alternatives for the way we feed ourselves. I believe modern cultures' ever increasing dependency on a fossil fuel-based economy has led to an unsustainable and environmentally degrading system of living.

My interest in sustainable agriculture was first peaked as I became interested in helping disadvantaged rural communities overseas. In my mind, the best way to alleviate poverty and hunger was to build food security by encouraging sustainable farming practices.

Growing up on a relatively conventional family dairy and crop farm in Kansas, I did not come to question the sustainability of North American agriculture until years after my interest in sustainable agriculture overseas. My parents encouraged my continued education, creative thinking, and global travel. This led me to explore environmentally and economically sustainable farming practices in an international context, which eventually led me to question the farming systems I grew up knowing. So, over the past number of years, I have been exploring alternative farming systems that, in my opinion, best point agriculture in a more environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable direction.

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